Cinematic Salutations and Welcome to the long-overdue Conjure Cinema website! I am finally bowing to the wishes of all the CC viewers, past and present alike, who have told me time and again, "You really need to have a blog!" So be it, your wish is my command! In the posts to come, I'll outline the history of how CC came to be, the films we have shown in the past, WHY we showed certain of those titles (as I'm sure many of you head-shakers out there would like to know! :)), the criteria I use to pick each title, and some trivia of interest behind each of our cinematic wonders. You'll also get an advance look at what's coming up in the future, as well as tangents on other films and shorts I've seen that I think you'll find interesting, and whatever else comes to mind in the Random Synapse Department. So thank you for coming, enjoy my site and I look forward to your comments. Next: How It All Began, with a look at our very first feature ever shown, 1971's Simon, KING OF THE WITCHES!
Yay! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. Thank you for listening to me! ;)