Case in point: this vintage Christmas card that shows one frog murdering another one for his money (and pants, so it would seem) with the (stabbed in the-)heart-felt phrase of, "A Merry Christmas to you". Who WOULDN'T feel more merry after that?
While we may not be starting before today, social media has jumped the gun of holiday idiocy this year and has made our job a WHOLE lot easier ... and it's all about food and drink. The madness started in November with the annual Starbucks 'Christmas' cup. In past years, they have decorated their cups with appropriate scenes (compare the 2014 cup at right with the plain red design of the 2015 cup at left). Instead of being taken as a simple, low-key design with the primary colors of the season (red and green), the current cups have spawned a TON of Internet hate, with the company being accused of "hating Jesus" and more ... all because of a plain red cup design. You can't make this stuff up - after awhile, it almost writes itself. More details can be found here:
Not to be outdone, the latest Internet blowup that has people frothing at the mouth is the Reese's Holiday Tree candy. What's wrong with it? When you pull it out of the package, it doesn't LOOK like a tree! One of the message boards I was reading actually had someone complain that "it looks like a turd" (right before he or she put it in their mouth, chewed it up and swallowed it, complaining all the way, I'm sure). My theory on all this? People have just gone completely crazy and want something, ANYTHING, to complain about. Seriously, if this is what you are spending your hard-earned time bitching about, you need to REALLY take a long, hard look at your life and re-think your priorities.
Seasonal food disasters are nothing new here at the K.A.C. - we're pretty used to this kind of thing. Looking back over past entries, we've covered holiday Cake Wrecks, like this blobby Santa Caketastrophe at right (for his full story, see my blog entry of December 8th, 2011) and the All-Time Winner of poorly designed Christmas Chocolate (and the winner of our Outrageous Photo for 2013) is this London confectionary Santa below that was ... umm, QUITE revealing when unwrapped! For HIS full story, check out my blog entry from December 23rd, 2013.

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