Sunday, November 13, 2011

K.A.C. 2011 - T - 42 ...

     What would the K.A.C. be without our annual parade of hoary old forgotten Christmas films? If you were with us last year, you remember the countdown we did of the '13 Strangest Christmas Shorts' --- well, as you probably guessed, there are WAY more than 13 and we've uncovered some new jaw-droppers for you this year!

     Let's kick off the festivities with a Castle Films rarity entitled CHRISTMAS TOYSHOP - a very strange conglomeration of live action and animation, as well as such stereotypes as the bumbling clod of a father and the perfect June Cleaver mother ... and a perfectly CREEPY Santa!

     We'll continue the Castle Christmas Collection with another seldom-seen masterpiece from 1950 - it's short, sweet and to the point and it's called Merry Christmas (winner of our most ORIGINAL title so far)! 

     Finally, as a public service this season (especially for those of you with young children), here is something you're going to find quite useful ... sooner or later, a little tyke is going to look at you in your grown-up wisdom and ask that time-old question: just how DOES Santa Claus deliver all those toys around the world to good little boys and girls in a single night? Flying reindeer? One sack for all those toys? Knowing when you're sleeping and when you're awake (all right, that last one IS admittedly rather skeevy)? Thanks to the Research Council of Norway, the answer is right here - in The Physics of Santa Claus!

More tomorrow!

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