Tuesday, December 8, 2020

K.A.C. 2020 - T - 17 ...


          In the twelve years we've done the K.A.C., the most famous (or infamous) image we ever put up was this beauty to the left, the 'Joyful Joy' Santa from Japan. Here's my original write-up to it from November 29th, 2010: 

Imagine you lived in a culture where you had never heard the Santa Claus story and were having it explained to you for the very first time. Now imagine on TOP of that you were also hearing the Nativity story and the Life of Christ tale, as well ... at the SAME TIME - finally, imagine being asked to draw an artistic rendition of what the holiday means. No matter WHAT you came up with, it couldn't match the STUNNING tastelessness of this doozy on the left!

     For the full jaw-dropping story on this years' K.A.C. Image of the Year, you need to take a long, hard look at this website - the Top Ten Strange Santas From Japan!  Aside from the Krucified Kris Kringle, there's the Colonel Sanders Santa, Skeleton Santa, Mint Green Santa and so much more!
Don't take my word for it, gird your loins and go see for yourself!"


     I went back and looked at the link again after all these years, and its been updated with a Snopes TRUE explanation of the image - I won't spoil it for you, click on the link and read it for yourself! It's still stunning ... and if you're in a jam for a Christmas card to send out to friends and family this year, my work is done.


     More tomorrow!

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